Warning Signs That Your Inverter Battery Needs Demineralised Water Topping

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Warning Signs That Your Inverter Battery Needs Demineralised Water Topping
November 29, 2024
Warning Signs That Your Inverter Battery Needs Demineralised Water Topping

Nigeria’s power supply crisis continues to be a significant barrier to the country’s economic and industrial operations. As power outages become a prominent concern, high-powered inverters become your saviour. In the heart of every high-powered inverter lies a sturdy, long-lasting battery that can function for a considerable period. 

But what if your inverter battery needs your help? Can you offer the right solution? 

Dropping water levels is a significant concern for your inverter batteries. If neglected, it can damage the internal structure of your battery. 

So how can you prevent this? We at Star Plus Battery can offer you the right solution. In this blog, we’ll discuss the early warning signs that your inverter battery needs water topping. 

Continue reading for a quicker and smoother battery functioning. 

What type of Water is needed for Inverter Battery Top-Up? 

Distilled or Demineralised Water is recommended for use in an inverter battery. Normal water contains ions, which block the battery’s electrolytes. Dust particles present in regular water might hinder the chemical reaction within the batteries. Thus, only demineralised water is preferred.

Demineralised water does not contain impurities and can smooth up the chemical reaction. Choosing demineralised water can reduce acid spillage within your batteries and simultaneously prevent inverter battery water leakage

Why Does an Inverter Battery Need Demineralised Water?

Inverter batteries are devices that store chemical energy and convert it into electrical energy through chemical reactions. They use diluted sulphuric acid to perform chemical reactions over time. 

When the water volume decreases, the concentration of sulphuric acid increases. That’s when your inverter battery needs water topping. Simultaneously, overspilling water can result in inverter battery water leakage and increase the risk of the device getting electrocuted.

Hence, it is necessary to check for the signs of water topping before actually performing it. Here’s what you need to know. 

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    5 Signs Your Inverter Battery Needs Demineralised Water Topping

    1. Prolonged Charging Period

    If your inverter battery is taking longer to charge, it means the cells are not absorbing energy as they used to. Check the time it takes to switch on the charger until your battery is adequately charged. 

    Acid leakage, which causes plate corrosion, can reduce the number of battery plates and charging efficiency. Hence, water topping is the foremost solution. 

    2. Reduced Efficiency Level 

    Power inefficiency can occur within your inverter batteries. Flickering lights or inconsistent performance of your home appliances can be a significant sign of reduced battery efficiency. 

    Simultaneously, if your inverter battery is leaking water while charging, it can be a significant sign of reduced efficiency level. As a result, the need for proper water topping arises. 

    3. Decreased Backup Duration

    Is your inverter battery showing less backup duration? It might be a sign that your battery needs water topping. Over time, inverter batteries start deteriorating, which affects their storage capacity.

    Sometimes, acid and water drainage can damage a battery and thereby reduce performance. Proper water topping can be an effective solution to tackle battery corrosion. 

    4. Visible Damage

    Sometimes, you need to be alert to the external situation or status of the inverter battery. Excessive swelling, cracks, or bulging might be the significant signs that your inverter batteries need help.

    Acid spillage can result in internal bulging and increase risks of water leakage. Even the most hardy Star Plus inverter battery might get external swelling. Instead of a complete replacement, a proper water top-up needs to be performed. 

    5. Fluid Discharge 

    Internal damage is a significant reason an inverter battery causes water leakage. Inverter batteries must remain sealed and leak-free throughout their lifespan. Excessive fluid discharge can impose risks of device electrocution and thereby damage the battery. 

    That’s when proper water top-up is necessary. 

    What are the Do’s and Don’ts during Inverter Battery Top-Up?

    What to do? 

    • Use only distilled water for your inventory 
    • Check the level of distilled in the battery on a monthly basis
    • Wear gloves while filling the battery with distilled water
    • Set up a reminder on your smartphone for water-topping 

    What not to do?

    • Avoid filling too much distilled water in the inverter battery
    • Let the water drain out from the battery chambers to prevent leakage
    • Do not use regular or mineral water to top up batteries. 

    In Conclusion 

    Water Leakage from inverter batteries is common. We at Star Plus Battery can offer you batteries that last long and provide power backup for a longer timeframe. With proper water top-up, each inverter battery will operate appropriately in a low-maintenance form. Consistent monitoring of water levels is necessary for smooth functioning. For more guidance, connect with us today.