Powering Homes, Brightening Lives: Benefits Of Inverter Battery

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Powering Homes, Brightening Lives: Benefits Of Inverter Battery
August 15, 2024
Inverter Battery

In Nigeria, where power outages are too common, inverters function as the most reliable power backup source. The primary power grid collapse in 2023 confirmed that to restrain total power blackouts, resilient inverters are required as your inverters function as your powerhouse, and the high-powered inverter battery functions as the backbone. 

High-storage inverter batteries can power up your household, administrative and industrial operations. We at Star Plus Battery will offer you the right inverter battery type suitable for multiple purposes. 

Continue reading this blog to learn the key benefits of an inverter battery. 

Current Challenges Of Power Outages In Nigeria

Nigeria’s power grid collapse in February 2024 severely disrupted primary industrial operations, service sectors, and households. The unprecedented power collapse threw several cities into darkness and risked emergency medical services. 

Besides the sudden power grid collapse, the ongoing power supply crisis has been a significant menace for the country. Reasons like transmission system constraints and significant power sector planning shortfalls have continued to impose power supply challenges. 

Inverter usage has gradually increased to cope with frequent power outages. To ensure inverters’ resilience, high-storage inverter batteries have captured Nigerian markets.

At Star Plus Battery, we manufacture high-backup inverter batteries that can sustain frequent charge and discharge cycles during Nigerian power outages. 

Here’s how our inverter batteries have been beneficial. 

Reliable And Uninterrupted Power Supply 

High-storage inverter batteries are reliable sources of power for both household and industrial sectors. Frequent power outages cause high charge and discharge cycles that impose high pressure on battery plates. This results in faster erosion and a decrease in the lifespan of inverter batteries. 

Our inverter batteries are designed to withstand charge-discharge cycles during power cuts. A high-power backup feature prevents disruptions of electric supply, especially in industrial and emergency sectors. 

Lesser Dependency On Grids 

A high-powered inverter battery can help you with less dependency on grids. Heavy-duty inverter batteries store power for a more extended period. Unlike regular starter batteries designed for short bursts of high-energy output, inverter batteries are designed for deep cycling. This feature makes them ideal for long-term energy storage. 

A significant amount of energy is often lost during long-distance power supply from the grid to consumption units. You can install an inverter battery to reduce dependency on grids and prevent over-consumption or wastage of power. 

If you run a manufacturing business, operational consistency matters the most. With our inverter batteries, you can prevent hindrances in your production process without compromising quality. 

Longer Lifespans Preventing Replacements 

Advanced technology inverter batteries use high-quality materials, which help them withstand high temperatures and reduce internal and external corrosion. 

Certain regions across Nigeria are subjected to frequent and prolonged power outages. In such cases, battery lifespan is often reduced by overcharging or overheating. Here’s when durable inverter batteries can help you. 

Our durable inverter batteries can prevent untimely erosion of your battery plates. With a higher lifespan, the need for frequent battery replacement would gradually decrease. 

Fast Charging Reduces Energy Consumption 

Our high-backup inverter battery has fast charging capability. If you live in an area with frequent power outages, fast-chargeable inverter batteries can be the best option. 

Our inverter batteries’ quick charging ability will offer seamless operations during a power cut. Preventing frequent or overcharging will also save energy costs. Less energy consumption will help you reduce your carbon footprint and decrease your electric costs.

Safer Option 

Inverter batteries are designed to function longer than regular automobile batteries. They can perform at high temperatures and adverse environmental conditions. 

The efficiency of an inverter battery lies in its high-power storage and supplying abilities even during hot climates. There are high risks of battery damage and even bursts in high temperatures. You can easily rely on our inverter batteries, which are highly efficient to function in adverse climatic states. Since Nigeria is subjected to extreme temperatures, it is safer to use our high-storage inverter batteries. 

In Conclusion

Selecting the correct inverter battery is a tough decision, but with Star Plus Battery, you can get the best for your home and business. It is uncertain when Nigeria’s power supply crisis will have an appropriate solution. However, you can be sure about the reliability of our inverter batteries. Be it your home or your factory, our inverter batteries can be your best power supply source.