Importance Of Solar Panels In Long-Lasting Charge For Inverter Batteries

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Importance Of Solar Panels In Long-Lasting Charge For Inverter Batteries
August 19, 2024
Solar Panels In Long-Lasting Charge For Inverter Batteries

Nigeria’s electricity supply crisis continues to hamper power consistency in household, commercial, and industrial operations. With rising electricity bills and power costs, the high charges required by inverters have contributed to additional expenses. Here’s when Solar Energy comes into light. As a renewable energy resource, solar power drives economic and environmental sustainability. 

When buying a solar power plant, not all varieties are suitable for long-lasting charging of inverter batteries. You need to know how many or what type of solar panels can support long-lasting charging of inverter batteries.

At Star Plus Battery, we can provide you with the best solar charger inverter batteries, which are adequate for multiple purposes. Check out this blog for a comprehensive explanation. 

Understanding Solar Panels and Battery Storage 

Solar energy systems is a sustainable source of power suitable for both household and industrial operations. Although it may sound highly reliant on solar power, it is always difficult to find peak sun hours. As such, many homeowners and industries have added solar power to their battery storage systems. 

Prior to purchasing or installing solar panels, know about their basic applications. 

What Are The Basics Of Solar Panels? 

Solar Panels or Photovoltaic Panels (PV) capture sunlight and convert it into electricity. The charging process begins when sunlight hits the panels, which generate DC electricity. This electricity is channelized to the solar inverter, which converts it to an alternate AC current.

In the case of a solar charger inverter battery, these rechargeable items can store extra electricity that the solar panel system generates. Excess energy storage in the battery banks will reduce your reliance on an on-grid power supply and lower electricity costs. 

The effectiveness of charging your solar battery might depend on various factors. Here’s what you need to know.

Factors Influencing Solar Battery Charging

Sunlight Duration 

Peak sun hours determine the amount of sunlight that your solar battery would require. The more sunlight your solar panels receive, the greater the amount of energy will be generated. The peak sun hours are different across the country. However, as the best inverter dealers in Nigeria, we can deliver high-storage inverter batteries that are applicable for multiple purposes. 

Depth of Discharge (DOD)

Depth of Discharge (DOD) denotes the battery capacity used. Solar inverter batteries’ charges can last longer, by 20% to 80%, than conventionally charged inverter batteries. 

Battery Capacity

The charging efficiency of solar inverter batteries depends on the number of panels you will install. You need to match the total panel charging and battery charging capacity to understand the requirements of the panel. 

For instance, inverter batteries with a capacity of 220ah can be charged with approximately two solar panels. Whereas for a 230ah inverter battery, about three solar panels will be sufficient. 

Efficiency of Charging System 

No matter how well you maintain your battery, a poor-quality one will always let you down. If your solar charger inverter battery fails to withstand deep discharge cycles, there are better ones.

High-quality inverter batteries last longer due to corrosion resistance properties, which lead to a longer lifespan. 

4 Key Benefits Of Solar Panels With Battery Storage

Lower Energy Bills

Solar panels with battery storage can help you lower your energy bills. Your solar panels are designed to store excess energy. This feature can render a long-lasting charge to your inverter batteries and other electrical appliances. 

Conserving Natural Resources

If you are planning to use an inverter in Nigeria, make sure that your electricity source is sustainable enough. Solar panels generate electricity from renewable energy sources like sunlight and reduce fossil fuel usage. 

Lesser Dependency on Grids 

Conventional electricity supply is highly dependent on grids. In the case of solar panels, the dependency on grids gradually decreases due to the generation of renewable energy.

Less dependency on grids will lower the risks of inconsistency in the energy supply and maintain stability in household and commercial activities. 

Enhance Battery Lifespan 

Energy supply from conventional electricity grids is often inconsistent in Nigeria. As a result, risks of frequent charge and discharge cycles can occur. This causes high corrosion to the battery plates and reduces the lifespan of both batteries and inverters.

The chances of deep discharge cycles in a solar charger inverter battery are minimal. Solar panels’ high storage capacity prevents plate corrosion and ensures a longer lifespan for inverter batteries. 

Key Takeaways 

Solar Electricity is the most accessible source of renewable energy and is helpful for household, commercial, and industrial applications. We at Star Plus Battery can provide you with the best heavy-duty inverter batteries. Our inverter batteries are ideal for solar power usage and can satisfy your energy storage and supply across Nigeria. Remember, the longevity of both your solar panel and inverter battery will depend on your maintenance. For long-term economic and environmental benefits, it is wise to choose solar batteries and charging systems to support future needs.