Inverter batteries are the unsung heroes of our daily lives. They silently power our homes during blackouts, keeping our lights on, appliances running, and devices charging. But to ensure these batteries perform optimally and have a long lifespan, proper maintenance is essential. One crucial aspect of maintaining an inverter battery is topping up the water. In this guide, we’ll explore the dos and don’ts of how to top up water in your inverter battery.
Understanding the Inverter Battery
Before delving into the dos and don’ts of topping up water, it’s vital to understand the inverter battery’s structure and function. Inverter batteries are typically lead-acid batteries consisting of several lead plates submerged in a sulfuric acid and distilled water solution. This chemical reaction generates electricity, which is then used to power your appliances through the inverter.
Why Topping Up Water is Important
Inverters work on chemical reactions to convert DC into AC current and power your devices. Over time, as the battery discharges and charges, some of the water in the battery’s electrolyte evaporates. This loss of water can lead to a drop in the battery’s electrolyte level, affecting its performance. Therefore, topping up water in the inverter battery is crucial to maintain its power efficiency and durability.
Dos of Topping Up Water in Inverter Batteries:
Use Distilled Water:
Only use distilled water for topping up the battery. Inverters work on chemical reactions to convert direct current to alternating current and bypass power to your devices. Tap water contains impurities and minerals that can affect the battery’s performance. Distilled water does not consist of additional minerals like regular tap water does and ensures optimal battery function.
Safety First:
When handling tubular inverter batteries, always wear appropriate safety gear, such as gloves and safety glasses. The battery’s electrolyte is corrosive, and safety precautions are crucial.
Check Water Levels Regularly:
Develop a routine of checking your inverter battery’s water level. It’s recommended to inspect it every 2-4 weeks, depending on usage and environmental conditions.
Top Up to the Recommended Level:
Most batteries have a marked “maximum” and “minimum” level indicator. Always fill the water up to the maximum level indicator with distilled water. Do not overfill, as excess water can spill and damage the battery.
Add Water After Charging:
It’s advisable to top up the water after the battery has been charged. Charging can cause the electrolyte to heat up and expand slightly, so adding water afterward ensures the batteries don’t get overfilled.
Use a Funnel or Distilled Water Jug:
To avoid spills and prevent contamination, use a funnel or a dedicated jug for pouring distilled water into the battery cells.
Clean the Battery:
Before adding water, clean the battery’s exterior and the area around the caps. This prevents dirt and dust from entering the inverter with the battery when you open it.
Want to Buy Tubular Inverter Battery for Your Home and Office?
Don’ts of Topping Up Water in Inverter Batteries:
Don’t Use Tap Water:
As mentioned earlier, tap water contains minerals and impurities that can damage the battery. Therefore, it is always recommended to stick to distilled water.
Don’t Use Metal Objects:
Don’t Use any metal tool or object to remove the battery caps. Metal can cause short circuits or damage the battery.
Don’t Overfill:
Overfilling the battery cells can lead to acid spillage, which is not only harmful to the battery but also dangerous to you and the environment.
Don’t Top Up When the Battery Is Empty:
Never top up water in a completely discharged battery. Charge the battery first, and then check and top up the water level.
Avoid Using Open Flames:
Avoid smoking or using open flames near the battery area. The lead-acid batteries emit hydrogen gas, which is highly flammable and anytime can pose a fire hazard.
Don’t Skip Maintenance:
Regular maintenance is crucial for the longevity of your inverter battery. Depending on your inverter battery uses, inspect the battery in a regular manner. Skipping maintenance can lead to irreversible damage and reduced battery life.
When to Top Up Water in Inverter Batteries
Every inverter battery has an indicator on its body, which indicates the water level. If you find the water level dropped below the limit, then it’s time to top up the water. You can set up a regular interval reminder to track and check the water level.
Steps to Fill the Batteries with Distilled Water
Step 1: First, switch off the power button of your converter to avoid any mishap.
Step 2: Remove the water topping vent plugs.
Step 3: Fill the battery until it reaches the electrolyte level ⅛” below the threshold.
Step 4: Always make sure the water level is above the red mark and below the green mark.
Step 5: If there are any water spills, immediately clean the water around the battery cell.
Step 6: After filling the water, make sure to clean the battery, vent plugs, and water level indicators with a clean cotton cloth.
Wrapping It Up
Maintaining your inverter battery is essential to ensure it performs reliably when you need it the most. Topping up water is a simple yet critical aspect of this maintenance routine. By following these above-mentioned dos and don’ts, you can ensure that your inverter battery remains at its optimal condition, providing uninterrupted power during blackouts and serving you well for years to come. Now, if you want to buy a reliable tubular inverter battery for your inverter, choose Star Plus Battery, 1st made-in-Nigeria battery manufacturing company. Star Plus batteries are known for their efficiency and durability.