5 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Tubular Inverter Battery

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5 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Tubular Inverter Battery
November 29, 2022
Tubular Inverter Battery

With an inverter battery, you can’t ever be too careful. You must always keep your eyes open and look for signs of malfunction. The Inverter battery must perform well. The inverter battery installed in your home serves the critical function of providing electricity to your home appliances and acts as a power backup. So, you must always make sure the battery works well, always.  A malfunctioning tubular inverter battery will prove to be harmful to your electrical appliances. It will not only shorten the lifespan of your devices but can also lead to accidents. Thus, if you are using a malfunctioning inverter battery, you are putting yourself and your family members at risk. 

There are some common signs and symptoms that inverter batteries show, from which you can tell that it’s malfunctioning or is about to die. If your battery shows such signs, you should know it’s time to replace it. Knowing these symptoms can be extremely handy. 

Here, for your convenience, we have rounded up five signs telling you it’s time to buy a new inverter battery.

1. Heating IssuesTubular Inverter Battery

Heating issues can happen in working inverter batteries and vary with the brand, model, and capacity. But It becomes a concern when it begins to heat up abnormally. But to make sure that it’s undoubtedly a battery issue, check the following.

  • The user should set the switch according to the correct battery type. For example, if you have a Tubular Battery, the switch must be set to TUB, or if you have a Flat Plate Battery, you must set the switch to FLAT. 
  • The charging current jumper must match the battery capacity. Check if it does. For instance, a high AH battery should have the jumper position set to ‘H.’ Similarly, for medium and low battery capacity, the jumper should be set to ‘M’ and ‘L.’
  • You must remember that every inverter has different settings, and you must go through the user manual carefully to check if the settings you have applied are correct. 

If all the settings are correct and you still face heating issues, you may need a new inverter battery. In such cases, do not delay. Replace your battery as soon as possible with a new one to keep your appliances safe. 

2. Inverter Battery Not Charging Through the Inverter

Charging issues are common and can happen due to several factors. If your battery is not charging, it’s not a sure sign that your battery is dead. However, a non-charging battery can sometimes be a sign of a dead battery. Check the following parameters to ensure it’s not an obsolete battery. 

  • See if the cord connecting the inverter to the main wall socket is tight enough.
  • The main input fuse is blown, or the MCB has tripped.
  • Check for extreme low or high voltage. 
  • Examine if the interconnection between the battery and the inverter is correct. Check if there is a reverse connection between the two. If that happens, it can not only affect the charging but can also damage the battery. 
  • The water level inside the battery must be right. Check if the water inside the battery has dried up. 
  • If every above parameter is correct, yet you are facing charging issues with your battery, it’s time that you switch to a new one. Connect with the experts and ask for a new Tubular Inverter Battery installation.

3. Acid Levels are Uniform

Take a careful look at the Float Indicators. These are at the top of the batteries. Acid levels in a well-functioning battery must be the same across all the indicators.

Open the float indicators and check the acid colours. They must be colourless. If you find the acid colour brown or black, it indicates that the battery has corroded, and you need to replace it with a new one. 

4. Check the Tubular Inverter Battery Voltage

Check the battery voltage when it’s fully charged and is not in use. In other words, check the battery voltage without any load. Ideally, the voltage should read 11 or 12V. If it’s less than 10, it’s a sign that your battery is dead and you need to replace it. 

5. Other Signs of Replace Your Tubular Inverter Battery

Checking the battery physically is sometimes enough to determine if you need a new one. If your Tubular Inverter Battery shows these symptoms, it’s a sure sign that you need a new one. 

  • Excessive Battery leak. 
  • The battery terminal is not working or is broken
  • The plastic on the battery surface is ruptured.
  • There’s an excessive bulge in the outer layer of the battery. 

Follow the standard safety protocols while checking the battery. Disconnect the battery from the inverter and the inverter from the power socket, and then make the inspections. 

The Latest Update for the Installers, too!

Star Plus Battery is on a rapid expansion journey, and we’re inviting inverter battery installers to be a part of our growing family. As we are stretching our boundaries, we need more and more skilled and efficient inverter battery installers to join the team. It is to serve the residential and commercial spaces where the batteries have been installed to dodge the difficulties and sufferings of long power cuts. We are an inverter battery brand committed to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction. A partnership with us can reach you to the heights of professional success with solid exposure to the business sector. Installers who will join us enjoy not only competitive benefits but also the chance to be a part of an industry leader. We are setting new standards in the battery market in and across Nigeria. Don’t miss out on the exceptional opportunity to grow with Star Plus Battery. Join us today and power a brighter tomorrow.


Inverter batteries are an irreplaceable component of an inverter. So, it must function correctly. A malfunctioning or dead inverter battery is not only no good but can also prove harmful to your electrical appliances. Prior to replacing your tubular battery, it is advised that an assessment is conducted to Compare a Tubular Battery with a Flat Battery.

It would help if you replaced your inverter battery when it’s time to do so. Look for the signs mentioned above and follow the steps discussed to check if your battery needs replacement.